Data Availability

The table below shows the countries currently included in the HFD and the range of years for which data on all birth orders combined as well as order-specific data on period and cohort fertility (births, fertility rates and summary indicators) are available. Time periods covered by the period and cohort fertility tables are shown as well.

Please note that in the case of cohort fertility the summary indicators such as the cohort total fertility rate, mean age at birth, and parity progression ratios, are computed only for the birth cohorts that have completed or nearly completed childbearing (i.e., for those that reached age 50 or, for selected complementary computations, age 40, respectively). Therefore, the user may find that the above-mentioned summary indicators are available for shorter series of cohorts than those shown in the table.

Births, unconditional rates, summary indicators
Fertility tables
Last updated
No birth order
Birth order
Census- or
Austria 1951-2019 1896-2006 1984-2019 1929-2006 1969-1994 1991-2019 1991, 2001 2021-08-25
Belarus 1964-2018 1909-2005 1964-2018 1909-2005 1955-1993 1989-2018 1989, 1999, 2009 2021-04-22
Belgium 1947-2021 1892-2008 1998-2021 1943-2008 1983-1996 2001-2021 2001 2024-05-23
Bulgaria 1947-2021 1892-2008 1947-2021 1892-2008 1963-1996 1977-2021 2001 2023-03-07
Canada 1921-2019 1866-2006 1944-2019 1889-2006 1929-1994 1974-2019 1991 2022-01-10
Chile 1992-2005 1937-1992 1992-2005 1937-1992 1977-1980 - 1992, 2002 2014-05-19
Croatia 2001-2020 1946-2007 2001-2020 1946-2007 1986-1995 2001-2020 2001, 2011 2022-03-08
Czechia 1950-2021 1895-2008 1950-2021 1895-2008 1935-1996 1950-2021 1950, ... , 2011 2023-03-07
Denmark 1916-2023 1861-2010 1968-2023 1913-2010 1953-1998 1986-2023 1986, ... , 2017 2024-05-23
Estonia 1959-2019 1904-2006 1959-2019 1904-2006 1944-1994 1979-2019 1979, ... , 2012 2021-04-22
Finland 1939-2022 1884-2009 1982-2022 1927-2009 1967-1997 1987-2022 1987, ... , 2022 2023-09-28
France 1946-2021 1891-2008 - - - - - 2023-11-15
Germany 1956-2017 1901-2004 2009-2017 1954-2004 - - - 2019-05-07
Germany, East Germany 1956-2017 1901-2004 1956-2017 1901-2004 1941-1964 1986-1989 - 2019-05-07
Germany, West Germany 1956-2017 1901-2004 2009-2017 1954-2004 - - - 2019-05-07
Hungary 1950-2020 1895-2007 1952-2020 1897-2007 1937-1995 1970-2020 1970, ... , 2020 2022-03-14
Iceland 1960-2021 1905-2008 1990-2021 1935-2008 1975-1996 2020-2021 - 2023-09-28
Ireland 1955-2020 1915-2007 1955-2020 1915-2007 1955-1995 2000-2020 2006, 2011 2023-09-28
Italy 1954-2020 1899-2007 2004-2020 1949-2007 1989-1995 - - 2023-09-28
Japan 1947-2022 1892-2009 1968-2022 1913-2009 1953-1997 1998-2022 - 2024-05-23
Lithuania 1959-2020 1904-2007 1970-2020 1915-2007 1955-1995 1979-2020 1979, ... , 2011 2022-03-15
Netherlands 1950-2019 1895-2006 1950-2019 1895-2006 1935-1994 1980-2019 1995, ... , 2009 2021-08-25
Norway 1967-2022 1912-2009 1967-2022 1912-2009 1952-1997 1985-2022 1985, ... , 2015 2023-04-20
Poland 1971-2019 1916-2006 1971-2019 1916-2006 1956-1992 2001-2017 2002 2022-06-28
Portugal 1940-2022 1885-2009 1959-2022 1904-2009 1976-1997 1991-2022 1981, 1991 2024-05-23
Republic of Korea 2000-2020 1945-2007 2000-2020 1945-2007 1985-1995 2000-2020 2000 2022-09-02
Russia 1959-2018 1904-2005 1959-2018 1904-2005 1955-1993 1989-2018 1979, ... , 2010 2020-11-23
Slovakia 1950-2014 1895-2001 1950-2014 1895-2001 1935-1989 1950-2014 1950, ... , 2011 2018-05-25
Slovenia 1983-2019 1928-2006 1983-2019 1928-2006 1968-1994 1991-2019 1991, ... , 2015 2022-03-07
Spain 1922-2021 1867-2008 1975-2021 1920-2008 1960-1996 1991-2021 1991, 2011 2022-11-15
Sweden 1891-2022 1836-2009 1970-2022 1915-2009 1955-1997 1970-2022 1970, ... , 2022 2023-04-14
Switzerland 1932-2022 1877-2009 1998-2022 1943-2009 1983-1997 2000-2022 2000 2023-11-15
Taiwan 1976-2021 1921-2008 1976-2021 1921-2008 1961-1996 2006-2021 - 2024-05-23
Ukraine 1959-2013 1904-2000 1959-2013 1904-2000 1955-1988 1979-2013 1979, 2001 2016-01-18
United Kingdom 1974-2020 1919-2007 2013-2020 1958-2007 - - - 2023-01-04
United Kingdom, England and Wales 1938-2020 1883-2007 2013-2020 1958-2007 - - - 2023-01-04
United Kingdom, Northern Ireland 1974-2020 1919-2007 1997-2020 1942-2007 1982-1995 - - 2023-01-04
United Kingdom, Scotland 1945-2020 1890-2007 2013-2020 1958-2007 - - - 2023-01-04
United States of America 1933-2021 1878-2008 1933-2021 1878-2008 1918-1996 1963-2021 - 2023-03-28