The Human Fertility Database has also been organized into zipped data files. This should facilitate rapid downloads of large amounts of HFD output data. Two series of these files are offered for different purposes.
For users who only want information of a given data type (e.g., birth counts) for all countries, zipped files "By data type" are recommended. Countries are presented here using standardized international country codes maintained by the International Organization for Standardization.
For users who want to obtain all available data for an individual country or for all countries, zipped data files labeled "By country" are recommended.
The file organization follows their internal organization in the HFD, and all publicly-available HFD data files are included in this set.
Data type | Link to zip file |
Births | births (11,4 Mb ) |
Female exposure | exposure (4,5 Mb ) |
Age-specific fertility rate | asfr (8,8 Mb ) |
Tempo-adjusted TFR | adjtfr (31,9 Kb ) |
Mean age at birth | mab (94,2 Kb ) |
Total fertility rate | tfr (94,3 Kb ) |
Cumulative fertility rates | cfr (3,8 Mb ) |
Parity progression ratios | ppr (6,1 Kb ) |
Fertility tables | ftables (6,3 Mb ) |
Population exposure by parity | parityexp (1,3 Mb ) |
Conditional age-specific fertility rates | casfr (784,7 Kb ) |
Table mean age at birth | pmab (20,9 Kb ) |
Parity- and age-adjusted TFR (PATFR) | patfr (19,8 Kb ) |
Crude birth rate | cbr (36,4 Kb ) |
Standard deviation in mean age at birth | sdmab (83,1 Kb ) |